
Shivam Maindola

Android App Developer

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Hi There

I am 21 years old App developer / Open source enthusiast
with strong passion for anything app related,
mostly developing android applications.


front end development


I develop Android apps with Java & everything that comes with it. I also like fiddling with C++.



When I am in the mood I also fancy doing some styling / designing, ideally responsive and minimalistic.

Open Source

Open Source

I Love Open Source and everything about it. Nowadays I am contributing to amahi android app.

The World

The World

Besides Coding, designing, Watching TV series / movies and playing Video games(mostly Pubg), I do my utmost best to change the world.


Google Play Store

App Developer

Build an App called iSMart which has 1000+ downloads with 4.9 ratings on google play store. App provides you all the details about Share Market, Mutual Fund and Bitcoin.

Google Assistant


Build an action for google assistant which can be invoked by saying "talk to discover india quiz" on google assistant. It's a simple quiz game in which google assistant ask you 4 questions with the 3 options each and you have to tell the correct answer. Final score is also evaluated by the google assitant. Google sent me a google assitant T-shirt and a Google Home as a reward.

Sparks Foundation

Android Developer Intern

Demonstrate REST API and perform CRUD( Create, Retrieve, Update and delete) operations on Android App.

GBPIET Developers Club

Student Mentor

To help 1st year students pursuing the course on Android Programming at Developers club to learn to code by teaching them the concepts, verifying their codes, telling them better approaches of making an App and resolving their doubts.


GBPIET Ghurdauri, Pauri Garhwal

August 2016 - Present

Computer Science Engineering

Army Public School No. 2, Roorkee

April 2014 - March 2015

XII (Secondary)

CBSE Board with 86.4%

Army Public School No. 2, Roorkee

April 2012 - March 2013


CBSE Board with 8.8 CGPA



Food Delivery App

Life’s complicated enough without worrying about lunch, dinner, or that hellsbells o’ clock hankering. So think of this app as your full-time food hooker-upper – we fix you up with whatever food delivery and takeout you crave, fast and easy. This project is in Development state.

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iSMart is a 3 in 1 next-generation education, information cum investment mobile application. It's goal is to become your trusted partner in your financial journey by helping you learn about Share Market, Mutual Fund and Cryptocurrency. It was my first app that's why it is only informative.

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Discover India Quiz

Discover India Quiz is a brain engaging quiz app that aids in learning the facts about India. This app is made for the google assitant under the programme action on google.

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Blog App

Android blog app with the following functionality- Signup, signIn, post photos with text, User profile, etc.

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My Credible Info

This is a Phase - II Task - II Android App for The Sparks Foundation. This Application helps users to store their personal and educational data and they can edit or delete it in future. This application is based on using of REST API's to add edit and delete the details of an user by using JSON and volley library.

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Made a Quadcopter using KK 2.1.5 Flight controller and represented our college at IIT Bombay and IIT Roorkee Techfest.

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